


Naruto é uma criança que vive em Konoha, a vila ninja do País do Fogo. Quando ainda bebê, Naruto teve um youkai, que na crença japonesa representa um monstro, aprisionado em seu corpo, o Bijuu chamado Kyuubi, pelo Yondaime Hokage, para salvar a Aldeia da folha. Desde então, Naruto é visto por muitas pessoas como um monstro, não só pelos familiares das pessoas mortas pela Kyuubi, mas também por pessoas que sofrem com as besteiras feitas por ele, que é extremamente arteiro. Incompreendido, Naruto sonha em se tornar um ninja poderoso, e ser nomeado Hokage, para assim poder ser reconhecido por todos.



  • Naruto Uzumaki Chegando

    1. Naruto Episódio 1

    Naruto começa fazendo encrencas pintando o rosto dos Hokages, e os habitantes correm atras dele só que não conseguem pegá-lo, Iruka-sensei alcança-o e diz para limpar a pintura como castigo. No dia seguinte acontece a formatura da academia, o teste para aprovação é o Bunshin no Jutsu, que todos conseguem menos naruto. Então Mizuki-sensei aproveita o oportunidade e conta a Naruto sobre um pergaminho de jutsus, Naruto o consegue, o Terceiro Hokage manda que os chuunins tragam Naruto de volta a Konoha. Iruka encontra Naruto, e Mizuki conta a Naruto sobre a Kyuubi, há uma grande comoção, Naruto é protegido de uma grande shuriken por Iruka. Então naruto consegue realizar o Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, derrotando Mizuki. Iruka parabeniza Naruto dizendo que ele passou no teste para Genin e o presenteia com o seu Hitaiate de Konoha.

  • Meu nome é Konohamaru!

    2. Naruto Episódio 2

    Konohamaru neto do Terceiro Hokage é apresentado, disposto a ser reconhecido pelo seu próprio nome e valor, ele tenta aprender algumas técnicas com Naruto, algo que ajude-o a derrotar seu avô.

  • Sasuke e Sakura: Amigos ou Inimigos?

    3. Naruto Episódio 3

    Haruno Sakura aparece e é mostrada como a menina de quem Naruto gosta, mas ela só tem olhos para Uchiha Sasuke, que é frio e quieto. Disposto a acabar com a fama do garoto popular da classe, Naruto se transforma no Uchiha para denegrir a imagem dele e, consequentemente, conseguir a atenção de Sakura.

  • Aprovar ou Reprovar, Um Exercício de Sobrevivência

    4. Naruto Episódio 4

    Naruto, Sasuke e Sakura conhecem seu novo professor, Kakashi Hatake, um jounin que vai treiná-los dali em diante. Depois de se apresentarem eles descobrem que ainda não são ninjas e para ser terão que passar por um teste de sobrevivência onde terão que pegar guisos em posse de Kakashi.

  • Você Falhou! A Decisão Final de Kakashi

    5. Naruto Episódio 5

    Após falharem no teste, Kakashi prende Naruto no tronco, pois tentou comer o almoço antes da hora enquanto Sakura e Sasuke estão almoçando. Então Kakashi decide dar uma nova chance ao grupo depois do almoço, e finge que foi embora. Naruto está com muita fome e Sasuke percebe que precisa alimenta-lo pois se não irá atrapalhá-lo na hora de refazer o teste. Então ele e a Sakura dão sua comida ao Naruto e Kakashi os pega de surpresa e apenas diz que eles passaram no teste.

  • Uma Missão Perigosa! Uma Aventura no País das Ondas!

    6. Naruto Episódio 6

    A equipe 7 realiza sua primeira missão, mas Naruto, está muito irritado pois acha que essas missões são todas bobas, o Terceiro Hokage e Iruka explicam a Naruto o propósito dessas missões, mais ele não se convence e quer um desafio, então o Hokage decide da uma missão onde o time terá que ir atá um lugar chamado País das Ondas para fazer a escolta de Tazuna, o construtor da ponte, em uma missão rank C.

  • O Assassino na Névoa

    7. Naruto Episódio 7

    No caminho ao País das Ondas eles são atacados por um nukenin chamado Momochi Zabuza, que os expõe a um grande perigo de morte, e seus títulos de ninja são postos a prova.

  • O Juramento de Dor!

    8. Naruto Episódio 8

    Tendo Kakashi detido na prisão de água, Sasuke, Naruto e Sakura precisam enfrentar sozinhos um assassino Jounin de Elite, com muito medo do fracasso ou de possíveis mortes, Naruto acaba se lembrando do juramento de nunca fraquejar e junto a Sasuke, bola um plano infalível pra deter o jutsu de Zabuza e libertar seu sensei.

  • Kakashi: O Guerreiro Sharingan

    9. Naruto Episódio 9

    Naruto e Sasuke trabalhando em conjunto conseguem libertar Kakashi da prisão de água de Zabuza. Kakashi luta com Zabuza. Um Oinin da Vila da Névoa aparece e mata Zabuza com agulhas, levando o seu corpo. Naruto fica frustrado por perceber que há crianças tão jovens quanto ele que são talvez até mais fortes que Kakashi. Kakashi desmaia.

  • A Floresta do Chakra

    10. Naruto Episódio 10

    Zabuza foi levado aparentemente morto por alguém que se apresentou como seu perseguidor. O grupo vai em segurança levar Tazuna ao País das Ondas, onde poderá prosseguir o seu trabalho. Mas Kakashi está achando tudo muito suspeito e resolve ensinar aos seus pupilos uma forma de treinar a concentração do chakra. Mais uma vez Naruto fica para trás em habilidade, mas luta com todas as forças para alcançar Sasuke.

  • A Terra Onde uma Vez um Herói Viveu

    11. Naruto Episódio 11

    Ao conhecer a família de Tazuna, Sakura, Naruto, Sasuke e Kakashi são apresentados ao seu neto, um garoto problemático… Notando uma foto rasgada, eles descobrem que o pai do menino, Kaiza, é considerado um herói na cidade, e sua história parece ser a fonte da tristeza que o filho guardou. Qual será afinal o problema do garoto?

  • Batalha na Ponte! Zabuza Retorna!

    12. Naruto Episódio 12

    Sasuke ainda está obcecado por seu treinamento, assim como Naruto que, ao passar pela floresta, tem um encontro inesperado com Haku. Como Kakashi esperava, Zabuza está vivo e retorna para completar sua tarefa, assim como terminar a luta interrompida.

  • O Jutsu Secreto de Haku: Espelhos de Cristais de Gelo

    13. Naruto Episódio 13

    Dessa vez a luta está mais difícil porque Zabuza tem uma arma secreta: Haku vai entrar na briga! O garoto não é um ninja comum e suas habilidades de linhagem avançada darão muito trabalho a Sasuke, que o enfrenta enquanto Kakashi está ocupado com Zabuza.

  • O Ninja Número Um, Hiperativo e Cabeça Oca Entra na Briga!

    14. Naruto Episódio 14

    Naruto finalmente chega à ponte. Ele e Sasuke mais uma vez terão de agir em conjunto se quiserem sobreviver ao jutsu avançado de Haku, já que Kakashi está impedido de ajudá-los por causa de Zabuza. Enquanto isso, é o papel de Sakura proteger Tazuna, mesmo que precise usar seu próprio corpo como escudo.

  • Visibilidade Zero! O Sharingan Desvendado

    15. Naruto Episódio 15

    Embora estejam em grande desvantagem em relação a Haku, Sasuke começa a perceber um padrão na movimentação do inimigo com a ajuda de Naruto. A tensão aumenta conforme os ferimentos de Sasuke e Naruto se multiplicam. Enquanto isso, Kakashi parece ter a vantagem na luta por conta do sharingan, mas Zabuza garante ter descoberto o ponto fraco da técnica.

  • O Selo Rompido

    16. Naruto Episódio 16

    Após ver Sasuke sendo “morto” por Haku, Naruto libera uma pequena parte do Chakra da Raposa e derrota Haku.

  • Passado Branco, Ambição Escondida

    17. Naruto Episódio 17

    O inimigo se assusta com a mudança repentina no chakra de Naruto. Agora, ele está em fúria por ter perdido o rival e companheiro, e mal pode ser reconhecido. Percebendo que será incapaz de derrotar o garoto, Haku sente que não tem mais motivos para viver, revelando as razões de ter se aliado a Zabuza. Com apenas mais um golpe, Naruto poderá se vingar do assassino de seu amigo… Mas será que ele é capaz?

  • As Armas Conhecidas como Shinobi

    18. Naruto Episódio 18

    Haku, derrotado e, portanto, não sendo mais útil para Zabuza, pediu para Naruto matá-lo de qualquer maneira. Embora relutante, Naruto tentou cumprir, se ele faria Haku feliz. Antes de Naruto poderia chegar, no entanto, Haku sente que Zabuza estava prestes a ser morto por Kakashi. Encontrando um objetivo final, ele aparou o ataque de Naruto e foi proteger Zabuza, utilizando-se como um escudo humano contra o Raikiri de Kakashi. Antes de morrer, ele agarrou o braço de Kakashi, esperando a morte e ao mesmo tempo dando mais chances de Zabuza derrotar Kakashi. Zabuza lhe agradeceu e tentou cortar seu corpo para matar Kakashi, mas Kakashi foi capaz de afastar o ataque.

  • O Demônio na Neve

    19. Naruto Episódio 19

    Com o sacrifício de Haku, Zabuza acaba se influenciando pelo discurso de Naruto e se volta contra seu contratador, a quem nunca tinha sido fiel realmente. Mesmo muito machucado, o demônio da névoa enfrenta Gato e todos os homens trazidos por ele. Finalmente, então, toma consciência do apego que Haku tinha por ele.

  • Um Novo Capítulo Começa: A Prova Chunin

    20. Naruto Episódio 20

    A missão no País das Ondas está completa. O time de Kakashi volta aos trabalhos entediantes, mas logo um fato novo vem quebrar a tranqüilidade: dois ninjas da areia aparecem causando problemas para Naruto, Sakura e o trio de Konohamaru. Um terceiro ninja de olhar ameaçador aparece. A razão para a presença de ninjas da vila oculta da areia é a aproximação do exame chunnin.

  • Identifiquem-se: Rivais Novos e Poderosos

    21. Naruto Episódio 21

    Questionado por Sasuke, que identifica um rival poderoso, o ninja de olhar sombrio e taciturno se identifica como o Gaara do Deserto. Para a frustração de Naruto, nenhum dos três ninjas se interessa em saber o nome dele. Atrasado como sempre, Kakashi anuncia ao trio que os recomendou para participar do exame chunnin, mas antes de se inscrever eles serão testados. Embora os dois companheiros tenham ficado animados com o teste, Sakura está insegura.

  • Desafio Chunnin: Rock Lee contra Sasuke!

    22. Naruto Episódio 22

    Antes de se inscreverem para o teste, o genin Rock Lee declara estar apaixonado por Sakura. Depois de receber um fora dela, ele resolve desafiar Sasuke, que aceita o duelo. Mas Lee usa taijutsu e possui imensa velocidade. Nem mesmo o portador do sharingan é capaz de superar esta técnica pouco usual nesse estágio de seu treinamento.

  • Batalha Genin! Os Nove Novatos se Enfrentam!

    23. Naruto Episódio 23

    Na inscrição para o teste, os nove genins iniciantes de Konoha encontram muitos outros de várias vilas diferentes. Todos ali estão se avaliando, silenciosamente ou não… É aí que Sakura, Naruto e Sasuke conhecem um ninja que já repetiu o exame várias vezes. Apesar de ter falhado em todas as vezes, Kabuto sabe muito sobre o exame e sobre vários dos genins ali presentes.

  • Liguem os Motores: A Prova Chunin Começa!

    24. Naruto Episódio 24

    Começa a primeira etapa do Exame Chunnin, uma prova escrita.Naruto fica desesperado com as perguntas, Hinata (A garota que o admira) passa cola pra ele, mas ao ver um gennin colando de Hinata, decide não colar.Todos na sala começam a colar. O inspetor fala que anunciará a última questão e Naruto dize que terá que apostar tudo nesta questão já que não respondeu nada.

  • A Décima Pergunta: Tudo ou Nada

    25. Naruto Episódio 25

    O inspetor diz que antes de responder a décima pergunta, os genins devem decidir se querem ou não desistir, quem desistir poderia tentar o próximo exame chunnin, mas quem não desistir e responder incorretamente, nunca mais prestaria o exame, Naruto diz que não vai desitir, pois se tornaria hokage de qualquer jeito, o discurso de Naruto dá confiança a todos na sala, então o inspetor decide passar todos aqueles que não desistiram o se recusaram a responder a décima questão.

  • Reportagem Especial: Ao Vivo da Floresta da Morte! | Filler

    26. Naruto Episódio 26

    Ainda não existe uma sinopse disponível.

  • A Prova Chunin 2ª Etapa: A Floresta da Morte!

    27. Naruto Episódio 27

    Ainda não existe uma sinopse disponível.

  • Comer ou Ser Comido: Pânico na Floresta

    28. Naruto Episódio 28

    Ainda não existe uma sinopse disponível.

  • O Contra-Ataque de Naruto: Nunca se Renda!

    29. Naruto Episódio 29

    Apesar da aparência de Naruto parecer motivada, Sasuke decide sacrificar seu pergaminho para garantir a sobrevivência da equipe. Antes que ele possa fazer isso, Naruto pega o pergaminho dele, acreditando que o Sasuke real nunca entregaria de mão beijada. Naruto começa a lutar contra o ninja de Kusagakure e sua cobra, utilizando o chakra do Nove-Caudas.

  • O Sharingan Revivido: Jutsu Chama do Dragão!

    30. Naruto Episódio 30

    Sasuke e a ninja da grama entram em combate. Ele começam uma luta de taijutsu que parece ser impossível a Sasuke, que começa a usar ninjutsu com sua Liberação de Fogo: Técnica da Grande Bola de Fogo. Visto que a ninja continuava atacando mesmo depois desses ataques, Sasuke prepara um jutsu novo, primeiramente ele usa a Queda do Falcão Peregrino, depois começa a usar as linhas de arame e a Manipulação do Moinho de Vento de Lâminas Triplas, após prendê-la na árvore, Sasuke usa a Liberação de Fogo: Chama do Dragão. Depois de uma batalha longa e difícil, Sasuke aparentemente termina a luta. No entanto, o ninja acorda com o rosto parcialmente derretido, revelando uma face embaixo da outra. O ninja se revela ser Orochimaru, um dos Sannins Lendários que fugiu de Konohagakure. Depois, ele alonga seu pescoço e morde Sasuke, deixando para trás um selo amaldiçoado nele, que o deseja sorte, para ele sobreviver, Sasuke e Naruto, agora caídos e inconsciente, Sakura é vista na situação de cuidar de todos.

  • A Promessa do Sobrancelhudo: Amor Eterno e Proteção!!

    31. Naruto Episódio 31

    Ainda não existe uma sinopse disponível.

  • Sakura Floresce!

    32. Naruto Episódio 32

    Ainda não existe uma sinopse disponível.

  • Formação de Batalha: Ino-Shika-Cho!

    33. Naruto Episódio 33

    Ainda não existe uma sinopse disponível.

  • Akamaru Treme: A Força Cruel de Gaara

    34. Naruto Episódio 34

    Ainda não existe uma sinopse disponível.

  • O Segredo do Pergaminho: Não é Permitido Olhar

    35. Naruto Episódio 35

    Ainda não existe uma sinopse disponível.

  • Clone Contra Clone: Os Meus São Melhores do que os Seus!

    36. Naruto Episódio 36

    Ainda não existe uma sinopse disponível.

  • Sobrevivendo ao Corte: Os Nove Novatos Juntos Outra Vez!

    37. Naruto Episódio 37

    Ainda não existe uma sinopse disponível.

  • Estreitando o Campo, Morte Súbita, Eliminação!

    38. Naruto Episódio 38

    Ainda não existe uma sinopse disponível.

  • O Ciúme do Sobrancelhudo: A Rajada de Leões se Solta!

    39. Naruto Episódio 39

    Ainda não existe uma sinopse disponível.

  • Kakashi e Orochimaru Cara a Cara

    40. Naruto Episódio 40

    Ainda não existe uma sinopse disponível.

  • Explosão Kunoichi, As Rivais se Enfrentam!

    41. Naruto Episódio 41

    Ainda não existe uma sinopse disponível.

  • A Batalha Final: Cha!

    42. Naruto Episódio 42

    Ainda não existe uma sinopse disponível.

  • ai) A Kunoichi Assassina e o Tremulo Shikamaru

    43. Naruto Episódio 43

    Ainda não existe uma sinopse disponível.

  • Akamaru se Revela: Quem é o Melhor Cachorro?

    44. Naruto Episódio 44

    Ainda não existe uma sinopse disponível.

  • Ataque Surpresa: A Arma Secreta de Naruto!

    45. Naruto Episódio 45

    Ainda não existe uma sinopse disponível.

  • Batalha Byakugan: Hinata Ganha Coragem!

    46. Naruto Episódio 46

    Ainda não existe uma sinopse disponível.

  • Uma Derrota Digna!!

    47. Naruto Episódio 47

    Ainda não existe uma sinopse disponível.

  • Gaara contra Rock Lee: O Poder da Juventude Explode!

    48. Naruto Episódio 48

    Ainda não existe uma sinopse disponível.

  • A Força Oculta de Lee: Um Jutsu Secreto Proibido!

    49. Naruto Episódio 49

    Ainda não existe uma sinopse disponível.

  • O Quinto Portão: Um Ninja Esplêndido Nasce!!

    50. Naruto Episódio 50

    Ainda não existe uma sinopse disponível.

  • Uma Sombra na Escuridão: O Perigo se Aproxima de Sasuke!

    51. Naruto Episódio 51

    Ainda não existe uma sinopse disponível.

  • Ebisu Volta: O Treinamento Mais Duro de Naruto!

    52. Naruto Episódio 52

    Ainda não existe uma sinopse disponível.

  • Após Muito Tempo: Jiraiya Retorna!

    53. Naruto Episódio 53

    While Ebisu trains Naruto at a hotspring, he spots someone trying to peep on the women bathing! Ebisu attacks, but it doesn’t go quite as planned. Naruto then demands that the stranger become his teacher instead, but he’s going to need some convincing. Does Naruto have any special Jutsu for this situation?

  • Jutsu de Invocação: A Sabedoria do Sábio Sapo!!

    54. Naruto Episódio 54

    While Jiraiya attempts to teach Naruto the Summoning Jutsu, while doing research as well, Dosu learns the hard way why Gaara is so dangerous. Meanwhile, Baki and Kabuto secretly meet and reveal a sinister plot against Konoha. When Hayate discovers this dark secret, he attempts to warn the Hokage. However, he’ll have to get through Baki first!

  • Um Sentimento de Anseio, Uma Flor Cheia de Esperança

    55. Naruto Episódio 55

    Sakura goes to visit Sasuke and Lee in the hospital, along the way, she meets up with Ino and the two make the trip together. Lee tries to resume his training with limited success, making Sakura worry more about him and Sasuke.

  • Viva ou Morra: Arrisque Tudo para Ganhar Tudo!

    56. Naruto Episódio 56

    Since Naruto is having little to no success at summoning frogs, Jiraiya figures that if Naruto’s to learn how summon Kyubi’s chakra, he’s going to need to be put into a life-threating situation. After having Naruto do a bunch of tasks, he throws Naruto off a cliff. Naruto’s only hope of survival lies within an encounter with the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox himself. But, will Kyubi be willing to help him?

  • Ele Voa! Ele Salta! Ele Espreita! O Sapo Chefe Aparece!!

    57. Naruto Episódio 57

    Overjoyed at his success, Naruto manages to enrage Gamabunta. With him not willing to accept that Naruto was able to summon him, Naruto challenges Gamabunta to accept him as his subordinate if he is able to stay on his back until sundown.

  • Hospital Sitiado: A Mão do Mal Revelada!

    58. Naruto Episódio 58

    Due to the events with Gamabunta, Naruto is now stuck in the hospital. Shikamaru unexpectedly pays him a visit, saying the two of them are the types who never get girls to visit them. Meanwhile, Gaara approaches an unconscious Rock Lee, with the full intention of taking his life. Luckily for Lee, Naruto and Shikamaru are there to protect him. However, can they save even themselves after learning Gaara’s shocking secret? What is it that Naruto has realized about Gaara?

  • As Rodadas Finais: A Corrida Para a Arena de Batalha!

    59. Naruto Episódio 59

    Waking up late, Naruto hurries to the stadium where the Chuunin matches will be held, along the way he stops at his old training ground and meets up with Hinata. Naruto tells Hinata that he’s afraid he’ll lose, but with Hinata’s encouragement and sort-of-confession of her feelings, Naruto is filled with renewed confidence and proceeds to the stadium leaving a shellshocked Hinata in his wake. Now Naruto must try to make it the stadium before it’s too late, and Konohamaru has a plan to help him out.

  • Byakugan contra Jutsu Clones da Sombra!!

    60. Naruto Episódio 60

    The opening ceremony to the Final Matches begins and Sasuke is missing, worrying Naruto. The ceremony ends and Naruto starts his fight with Neji. Will Naruto’s confidence lead him to a victory or are Neji’s skills to much for him? And where is Sasuke?

  • A Derradeira Defesa: No Ponto Zero!

    61. Naruto Episódio 61

    Naruto begins his assault with his Shadow Clones but Neji analyses Naruto’s actions and determines what he believes to be the real one. Unable to figure out why Naruto won’t admit defeat, he takes off his headband and reveals a mysterious mark on his forehead. What is the truth about his hatred towards the main family of the Hyuuga Clan?

  • O Verdadeiro Poder do Fracassado!

    62. Naruto Episódio 62

    When it looks as if Naruto can’t win, Neji continues to tell him that he cannot change his fate and that he has no idea what it feels like to carry a seal that cannot be removed. Naruto thinks back about his childhood and how he was treated because of the Nine-Tails sealed inside him. However, that same curse may prove to be his only chance at winning…

  • Bata ou Desista: As Rodadas Finais Ficam Complicadas!

    63. Naruto Episódio 63

    With Sasuke still absent, and everyone anxiously anticipating his match against Gaara, the tournament is forced to move on to the next round. Meanwhile, Neji learns the shocking truth about his father.

  • Motivação Zero: O Cara com Inveja da Nuvem!

    64. Naruto Episódio 64

    Shikamaru takes on Temari, only he doesn’t want to fight. Can the lazy Shikamaru even last the round? Or is there more to Shikamaru than meets the eye?

  • Folha Dançante, Areia Contorcida

    65. Naruto Episódio 65

    It’s time for Sasuke’s match against Gaara, only Sasuke has yet to show up. Normally they’d disqualify him, but everyone’s anxiously awaiting the match. Therefore, they give Sasuke a time limit before disqualifying him. As time slowly begins to run out, only one question remains on everyone’s mind…where’s Sasuke?

  • O Jutsu do Sobrancelhudo: Estilo Sasuke!

    66. Naruto Episódio 66

    Sasuke’s match against Gaara finally begins! Gaara seems to have the upper hand at the beginning, until Sasuke shows off his newly found taijutsu techniques. Gaara is reliving the battle against Rock Lee all over again, only this time he’s facing an opponent who can use more than simple taijutsu attacks.

  • Atrasado para o Show, mas Pronto para Lutar! A Derradeira Técnica Nasce!

    67. Naruto Episódio 67

    With Gaara’s ultimate defense in place, Sasuke’s only hope of winning lies within the move Kakashi taught him…Chidori. But, how will Gaara react when Sasuke causes him to bleed?

  • Zero Hora! A Destruição da Aldeia da Folha Começa!

    68. Naruto Episódio 68

    Knowing that Sasuke is in over his head, Kakashi sends Naruto, Sakura, and Shikamaru, being guided by a dog named Pakkun, to stop Sasuke from pursuing Gaara.

  • Aldeia em Angústia: Uma Nova Missão Nível A!

    69. Naruto Episódio 69

    Knowing that Sasuke is in over his head, Kakashi sends Naruto, Sakura, and Shikamaru, being guided by a dog named Pakkun, to stop Sasuke from pursuing Gaara.

  • O Ocioso é Posto em Ação: Chega de Preguiça!

    70. Naruto Episódio 70

    Naruto, Sakura, Shikamaru, and Pakkun are being chased down by several Sound ninja. Shikamaru decides to stop and try to hold them off so the others can catch up to Sasuke without fear of pursuit. Shikamaru is the logical choice because of his Shadow Possession Jutsu…needless to say, Shikamaru’s not too thrilled by this.

  • Uma Luta Incomparável: Hokage contra Hokage!

    71. Naruto Episódio 71

    The battle of kings has begun as Orochimaru has summoned some unexpected help. How can the Third Hokage handle this uncomfortable situation? Meanwhile, Sasuke finally catches up with Kakurou, Gaara and Temari…

  • Um Erro do Passado: O Rosto Revelado!

    72. Naruto Episódio 72

    While Naruto and Sakura continue to catch up to Sasuke, Temari trys to stall Sasuke long enough for Kankuro to get Gaara to safety, but Sasuke doesn’t have time to waste on her! Meanwhile, The Third Hokage continues his battle with Orochimaru and is ready to use a move that not even he knows…

  • Técnica Secreta Proibida: Selo Ceifeiro da Morte!

    73. Naruto Episódio 73

    An unlikely ally appears to help Sasuke and allows him to continue to pursue Gaara. Meanwhile, the Hokage prepares to make the ultimate sacrifice to rid his village of Orochimaru!

  • Uma Verdade Surpreendente! A Identidade do Gaara Aparece!

    74. Naruto Episódio 74

    While Shino and Kankuro fight the match they should’ve fought back during the Chuunin Exam, Naruto, Sakura, and Pakkun slowly catch up to Sasuke. Meanwhile, Sasuke has finally caught up with Gaara and Temari, but is he ready to face true horror when Gaara reveals his demon form?

  • A Decisão de Sasuke: Pressionado ao Extremo!

    75. Naruto Episódio 75

    Sasuke struggles to keep up with Gaara’s monstrous capacity. Only able to use Chidori twice in normal circumstances, Sasuke remembers that tragic day when his family died and realises he must risk the use of Chidori beyond his limit if he is to defeat Gaara. That is, if he can…

  • O Assassino da Noite Enluarada

    76. Naruto Episódio 76

    As Sasuke is about to be defeated, Naruto and Sakura show up to save him. With this Gaara begins to have flashbacks of his childhood. What happened in Gaara’s past to make him experience so much suffering?

  • Luz contra Escuridão: As Duas Faces de Gaara

    77. Naruto Episódio 77

    Gaara continues to talk about his past. When Gaara states that Naruto can’t become stronger when he fights for everyone else, Naruto recalls that if he didn’t meet his friends, he would be the same as Gaara. Realizing that he has to protect his friends, Naruto overcomes his fear and decides to take on Gaara.

  • O Manual do Ninja Naruto!

    78. Naruto Episódio 78

    Naruto and Gaara continue their fight. Naruto begins to get an advantage, and Gaara transforms into the final form of Shukaku of the Sand. As he begins to put the squeeze on Naruto, Naruto summons Gamabunta Oyabun, and his comeback begins. Once again, Naruto begins to get an advantage, but Gaara casts the technique of fake sleep, releasing the full power of Shukaku. Now that the demon is free, what will Naruto do?

  • Além do Limite da Escuridão e Luz!

    79. Naruto Episódio 79

    Transformed into Kyubi, Naruto and Gamabunta prepare to stop Shukaku by waking Gaara up. Though they succeed, the battle is far from over as Gaara won’t stop until Naruto is dead. Naruto and Gaara prepare for their final attacks. Meanwhile, Sarutobi continues trying to defeat Orochimaru. And even though Sarutobi isn’t strong enough to kill Orochimaru, he does have enough strength to take away Orochimaru’s most prized possession…the use of his arms!

  • O Terceiro Hokage, para sempre...!!

    80. Naruto Episódio 80

    As the war draws to a close, Gaara admits his defeat to Naruto, and Orochimaru is forced to retreat as Sarutobi took away his arms. Now, all of the Konoha shinobi gather together to pay their respects to the person whom they respected the most…Sarutobi, the Third Hokage.

  • O Retorno da Névoa Matutina

    81. Naruto Episódio 81

    Two mysterious ninja infiltrate Konoha, and one of them bares the Sharingan. Just what are these two after? Why has Itachi Uchiha returned to Konoha?

  • Olho no Olho: Sharingan contra Sharingan!

    82. Naruto Episódio 82

    Kakashi takes on Itachi, with both of them using the Sharingan. However, Kakashi soon realizes that he stands no chance against the legendary ninja. Itachi reveals that he has not come for his little brother, but instead he’s come to do something else…abduct Naruto, and Kyubi as well!

  • Jiraiya: O Potencial Desastre do Naruto!

    83. Naruto Episódio 83

    Jiraiya and Naruto begin their search for Tsunade, but are constantly sidetracked by Jiraiya’s peeping and hitting on pretty girls. Jiraiya tells Naruto some stories about the 3rd and 4th Hokages. Meanwhile, Sasuke learns that his brother, Itachi, is after Naruto and goes to warn him.

  • Ruja, Chidori! Irmão contra irmão!

    84. Naruto Episódio 84

    Sasuke remembers the day that Itachi single-handedly wiped out the entire Uchiha clan as he desperately searches for Naruto. However, Itachi and Kisame have already found him.

  • Ódio entre os Uchihas: O Último do Clã!

    85. Naruto Episódio 85

    Jiraiya and Naruto look on as Sasuke takes on Itachi alone. However, when the young ninja is severely outclassed, Jiraiya is forced to step in. Itachi and Kisame try to flee, but Jiraiya isn’t about to let them get away so easily.

  • Um Novo Treinamento Começa! Eu Serei Forte!

    86. Naruto Episódio 86

    Now that Sasuke is in safe hands, Naruto and Jiraiya can continue their search for Tsunade. When they arrive at a city with a festival on the way, Jiraiya and Naruto have some fun, at least until Naruto puts a stain on a man’s shirt. Jiraiya uses a new technique that easily defeats the man and offers to teach it to Naruto. What is this new technique and can Naruto master it?

  • O Treinamento Continua: Estoure o Balão D'Água!

    87. Naruto Episódio 87

    Jiraiya gives Naruto the task of rotating the water in a balloon until it pops. Naruto is confident that he will accomplish this stage of the training by night, but soon learns it’s not as easy as expected.

  • Ponto Focal: A Marca da Folha!

    88. Naruto Episódio 88

    After passing stage one of the training, Naruto moves into stage two: power training. Jiraiya realizes that, like him, Naruto has a hard time concentrating, so he paints a spiral in the palm of Naruto’s hand to help him to focus. With the aid of the spiral and a quick flashback to Iruka-sensei, Naruto completes stage two. Meanwhile, Tsunade’s luck has become uncommonly good, which worries her. After being talked into sightseeing by her assistant, Tsunade meets Orochimaru…and she doesn’t look at all pleased.

  • Uma Escolha Impossível: A Dor Dentro do Coração de Tsunade

    89. Naruto Episódio 89

    Naruto continues his training of the Rasengan, having mastered the stages of spin and power. The final stage proves to be the most difficult: control. Meanwhile, Orochimaru and Kabuto accost Tsunade and ask her to restore Orochimaru’s arms. If she restores Orochimaru’s arms, he promises to use his Rebirth of the Impure World kinjutsu to revive her lost lover and little brother.

  • Imperdoável! Uma Total Falta de Respeito!

    90. Naruto Episódio 90

    Jiraiya and Naruto catch up to Tsunade, whereupon she learns that Konoha wants her to be the 5th Hokage. She refuses the title, angering Naruto, who mistakes her for being a weakling. Naruto learns first-hand how strong she really is. Naruto decides now is the time to try out the Rasengan, only he hasn’t perfected it yet.

  • Herança! O Colar da Morte!

    91. Naruto Episódio 91

    Naruto makes a bet with Tsunade, that if he can master the Rasengan in one week, she’ll give him a necklace belonging the to the First Hokage. However, Shizune reveals some startling information. Everybody, except for Tsunade, who’s worn that necklace has died the next day!

  • Uma Oferta Duvidosa! A Escolha de Tsunade!

    92. Naruto Episódio 92

    While Naruto continues to try and master the third step, Tsunade continues to think about Orochimaru’s offer. Jiraiya tries to convince her by taking her out for a drink, only she slipped a paralyzing potion into his drink while he wasn’t looking. Will Tsunade agree to Orochimaru’s offer? And will Naruto master the Rasengan before the week is up?

  • Interrupção... O Acordo Acabou!

    93. Naruto Episódio 93

    Because Orochimaru lied to her about not attacking Konoha, Tsunade begins her onslaught against him and Kabuto. Kabuto eats a food pill and begins to attack Tsunade with his medical techniques but are they enough to defeat her? Will Jiraiya, Shizune and Naruto show up in time?

  • Atacar! A Fúria do Rasengan!

    94. Naruto Episódio 94

    With Tsunade still paralized with fear and Naruto being a low level ninja, it is up to Shizune and Jiraiya to defeat Kabuto and Orochimaru. Orochimaru and Kabuto summon two giant snakes while Jiraiya summons Gamakichi, who does nothing. Naruto tries to help Jiraya, but he too only summons a small frog that also does nothing. Orochimaru and Kabuto attack and Shizune is easily defeated. Naruto tries Rasengan but fails. Can he master the technique before Kabuto does anything to Tsunade? How far will he go to master it?

  • O Quinto Hokage... Apostando a Vida

    95. Naruto Episódio 95

    Naruto finally lands a Rasengan into Kabuto’s stomach, but not before Kabuto assures Naruto’s certain death. Can Tsunade save him and protect him from Orochimaru?

  • Paralisação Completa! O Fim do Sannin!

    96. Naruto Episódio 96

    With Tsunade in her current conidtion, and Jiraiya still under the effects of the drug, Tsunade and Jiraiya must work together to defeat Orochimaru. And with all three ninja having summoned their signature beasts, it’s sure to be one heck of a battle!

  • Sequestrado! A Aventura de Naruto nas Fontes Termais | Filler

    97. Naruto Episódio 97

    The group are on their way back to Konoha when they stop at a town with hotsprings. Unknown to them they are being watched by men looking for Tsunade. Naruto’s room gets raided and the necklace he was given goes missing with nothing but a ransom note left behind. What does it all mean? Can Naruto get the necklace back and why are they looking for Tsunade in the first place?

  • O Aviso de Tsunade: Ninja Nunca Mais!

    98. Naruto Episódio 98

    Naruto, Tsunade, and Shizune finally return to Konoha so Tsunade can take over and become Hokage. Konohamaru finds out that Tsunade is the Fifth but refuses to believe it. Naruto then takes Tsunade to the hospital so she can heal Sasuke, Kakashi, and Lee. She heals Sasuke and Kakashi just fine…However, her diagnosis of Rock Lee has heartbreaking consequences for him and his future.

  • A Vontade de Fogo Ainda Queima | ½Filler

    99. Naruto Episódio 99

    Konohamaru locks himself in the office used by the 3rd to stop them from replacing his grandfather, the previous Hokage. Tsunade spends the day locked out of her office and researches a way to heal Rock Lee so he has a better chance of surviving the operation,

  • Sensei e o Aluno: O Laço dos Shinobi!

    100. Naruto Episódio 100

    As Lee decides whether or not to go through with the operation, Gai decides to give him some motivation. Meanwhile, Tsunade frantically struggles to increase the operation’s success rate.

  • Você Precisa Ver! Você Precisa Conhecer! O Verdadeiro Rosto do Kakashi-Sensei! | Filler

    101. Naruto Episódio 101

    After their mission, Naruto persuades Sakura and Sasuke to help him unmask their sensei, Kakashi. However, Squad 7 soon finds out that this is easier said than done…

  • Missão: Ajudar um Velho Amigo do País do Chá! | Filler

    102. Naruto Episódio 102

    Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke find out their newest mission will be without Kakashi who has responsibilities elsewhere. Tsunade sends them to the Tea Country to protect someone, but the details are vague at best. Along the way they meet Idate Morino who causes the group a lot of trouble, especially when they discover who they have to protect!

  • A Corrida Começou! Problemas em Alto Mar! | Filler

    103. Naruto Episódio 103

    The trio continue to follow Idate while fending off attacks by three Shinobi sent to kill him. They find out later just how important winning this race is to the Wasabi clan’s future…

  • Corre, Idate, Corre... A Ilha Nagi o Aguarda! | Filler

    104. Naruto Episódio 104

    While the Shinobi that is working for Wasarabi begins to beat up Idate, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura finally reach the same island. However, some old enemies appear to get in their way once again! Will they manage to find Idate and rescue him before its too late?

  • Uma Batalha Feroz do Trovão Retumbante! | Filler

    105. Naruto Episódio 105

    With Naruto’s help, Idate reaches the Modoroki Shrine… But just as he’s about to cross the bridge, an old nemesis stands in his way.

  • O Último Arranco: O Ato Final de Desespero | Filler

    106. Naruto Episódio 106

    Now that Sasuke and Sakura are trapped at the bottom of a cliff, it’s up the Number One Knucklehead Ninja to defeat the malevolent Aoi and help Idate cross the finish line.

  • A Batalha Começa: Naruto contra Sasuke!

    107. Naruto Episódio 107

    Hospital bound and feeling his pride shattered, Sasuke finds there is only way to redeem himself: Battle Naruto! Meanwhile, the Ino-Shika-Cho Squad sit down for some barbeque to celebrate a special occasion!

  • Rivais Amargos e Laços Desfeitos

    108. Naruto Episódio 108

    As their rivalry reaches a fever pitch, Kakashi-sensei breaks up the battle and sends Naruto and Sasuke to their corners. Meanwhile, Four Sound ninja enter the Hidden Leaf Village with only one thing on their mind… Sasuke!

  • Um Convite do Som

    109. Naruto Episódio 109

    Sasuke takes on all four Sound Ninja, but soon learns it’s going to take more than Chidori to defeat them!

  • Formação! A Equipe de Resgate de Sasuke

    110. Naruto Episódio 110

    Now that word of Sasuke’s departure has spread to the Fifth Hokage, she calls upon the newest Chunin, Shikamaru, to put together a squad to bring Sasuke back to the village.

  • Som contra Folha

    111. Naruto Episódio 111

    The Sound Ninja have Sasuke in their clutches and it’s up to the Hidden Leaf Village’s top Shinobi to stop them.

  • Motim na Equipe: A União se Defaz!

    112. Naruto Episódio 112

    Upon breaking free from the Earth Dome Prison, The Sasuke Retrieval Squad realize they don’t have enough chakra to take on Jirobo… but Choji’s got another idea up his sleeve.

  • Força Total! Chouji, arrasa!

    113. Naruto Episódio 113

    Upon breaking free from the Earth Dome Prison, The Sasuke Retrieval Squad realize they don’t have enough chakra to take on Jirobo… but Choji’s got another idea up his sleeve.

  • Adeus Velho Amigo...! Eu Sempre Acreditarei em Você!

    114. Naruto Episódio 114

    With his life on the line against the Sound Ninja Jirobo, Choji looks back on the seeds of his friendship with Shikamaru. Can he defeat his fearsome opponent without any Chakra?

  • Seu Oponente Sou Eu!

    115. Naruto Episódio 115

    Hot on Sasuke’s trail, Shikamaru and his squad get caught up in a web of unparalled chakra when they tangle with the six-armed Kidomaru!

  • 360 Graus de Visão: O Ponto Cego do Byakugan!

    116. Naruto Episódio 116

    While Naruto and the others go after Sasuke and the other Sound Ninja, Neji is locked in a desperate no-holds-barred battle with Kidomaru.

  • Perder Não é Uma Opção!

    117. Naruto Episódio 117

    Neji’s on the run from Kidomaru’s bow and arrow attacks. Will Neji make it out alive or will his new-found enemy hit his blindspot dead on?

  • O Hospedeiro Chega Tarde Demais!

    118. Naruto Episódio 118

    In pursuit of the Sound Ninja, Naruto, Kiba and Shikamaru strike at dawn to retrieve Sasuke and bring him back to the Hidden Leaf Village.

  • Erro de Cálculo: Um Novo Inimigo Aparece!

    119. Naruto Episódio 119

    Naruto, Kiba and Shikamaru intercept Sasuke from the Sound Ninja Four, but little do they know that another ninja from the Sound Village has been dispatched to grab Sasuke as well.

  • Rugidos e Uivos! A Derradeira Equipe de Lutadores

    120. Naruto Episódio 120

    Faced against the vicious twin duo of Sakon and Ukon, Kiba and Akamaru team up to take them out, using their most powerful jutsu.

  • A Batalha de Cada Um

    121. Naruto Episódio 121

    With the Sasuke retrieval squad now split into individual battles, it’s up to Naruto, Kiba and Shikamaru to stop the sound ninja. But little do they realize that there’s more to their opponents than their basic techniques.

  • A Distração: O Retorno de Shikamaru!

    122. Naruto Episódio 122

    Shikamaru’s got his hands full with Tayuya and her melodic attacks. Can he stop her and put an end to her malevolent flute playing?

  • O Demônio Bonitão da Aldeia da Folha!

    123. Naruto Episódio 123

    Naruto’s Shadow Clones are no match for Kimimaro’s attacks. But when an old bushy-browed buddy from the Leaf Village shows up, all bets are off!

  • Possuído pela Besta

    124. Naruto Episódio 124

    Rock Lee’s back and he’s full of a special medicine that has Kimimaro on the run! Can he take out the fifth Sound Ninja?

  • Os Shinobi da Areia: Aliados da Folha

    125. Naruto Episódio 125

    Down for the count and at the mercy of the Sound Ninja, Kiba, Shikamaru and Rock Lee get help from an unlikely bunch of new allies.

  • A Luta Final: Gaara contra Kimimaro

    126. Naruto Episódio 126

    Itching to fight and with a sense of guilt from the past, Gaara tells Rock Lee to stand down and let him take on Kimimaro. Meanwhile, Naruto continues on his quest to catch the runaway Sasuke.

  • Um Golpe Vingativo! A Dança da Samambaia!

    127. Naruto Episódio 127

    As Gaara demonstrates he has more than enough backbone to take on Kimimaro, Orochimaru recollects on how he brought him as a young man into the Sound Village.

  • Um Grito Para Ouvidos Surdos

    128. Naruto Episódio 128

    Finally catching up to Sasuke, Naruto does all he can to keep him from going to Orochimaru. Does he have enough strength to stop him or is Sasuke gone for good?

  • Irmãos: Distanciamento Entre os Uchiha

    129. Naruto Episódio 129

    Naruto and Sasuke face off in battle as we get a glimpse into Sasuke’s past where his achievements were ignored by his father and his brother Itachi’s behavior began to take a turn for the worst.

  • Pai e Filho, o Emblema Partido

    130. Naruto Episódio 130

    As Sasuke squares off against Naruto, he reflects on his past when he was neglected by both his stern father and Itachi, his brooding older brother.

  • Os Segredos do Mangekyo Sharingan

    131. Naruto Episódio 131

    While Naruto is busy underwater, Sasuke remembers the fateful day in which his clan was killed. He remembers why Itachi spared his life, and why Itachi did what what he did. Now, in order to gain the same power as his brother, he must kill his closest friend…Naruto!

  • Por Um Amigo

    132. Naruto Episódio 132

    Kakashi learns the truth about the chase after Sasuke, and orders his dogs, including Pakkun, to go find Naruto and Sasuke. However, things are looking grim as the clash between the Chindori and the Rasengan ensues. The attacks are even, causing Naruto and Sasuke to both fly back. Naruto finally realizes how serious Sasuke is, and gets the snot beat out of him while he remembers how he always wanted to be friends with Sasuke.

  • Apelo de um Amigo

    133. Naruto Episódio 133

    Naruto proves to be too much for Sasuke to handle as Naruto fights back with renewed vigour. Finally acknowledging Naruto’s strength, Sasuke puts on his forehead protector, symbolizing both as equals. But when Sasuke’s Sharingan is upgraded to level 3, the tables turn on Naruto. Just when all hope seems lost for Naruto, he undergoes a startling transformation, but will it be enough?

  • O Fim das Lágrimas

    134. Naruto Episódio 134

    The battle between Naruto and Sasuke comes to a close, as One-Tailed Naruto takes on Cursed Seal Level 2 Sasuke in one final Rasengan vs. Chidori clash! And this time…only one person will emerge victorious. Will Kakashi and Pakkun make it in time? And who is this mysterious ninja watching everything?

  • A Promessa que Não Pode Ser Cumprida

    135. Naruto Episódio 135

    Shikamaru’s group is brought back to Konoha with many injuries. Neji and Chouji could possibly die, Kiba has a deep wound but nothing too serious, and Naruto and Shimakamru have a few injuries. When Sakura finds out they are back ,she goes immediatley to see Sasuke and Naruto but finds out Sasuke got away. Can Naruto keep his promise to Sakura? And what news does the Jiraiya have for Naruto?

  • Disfarce Total!? Uma Super Missão Nível S! | ½Filler

    136. Naruto Episódio 136

    Jiraiya begins to worry about Naruto and Sakura’s wellbeing. He then requests that Tsunade send them on a mission with him. He finds Naruto telling Sakura he is not going to stop her from going after Sasuke, but he is going with her, and tells them about the mission. They head off to Rice Country to find the Hidden Sound Village, and hopefully Sasuke as well.

  • Uma Cidade de Bandidos! A Sombra do Clã Fuuma | Filler

    137. Naruto Episódio 137

    Naruto, Sakura and Jiraiya end up in a town that is even worse than the one they were chased out of. Jiraiya heads off and leaves Naruto and Sakura to get some food. Along the way they find the ninja that attacked them before, but things are not as clearcut as they might seem.

  • Traição Inocente, e um Apelo Fugaz! | Filler

    138. Naruto Episódio 138

    When Sasame drugs the gang, she prepares to hand them over to Orochimaru. But, when she discovers that they are to be killed, she has a change of heart…

  • Puro Terror! A Casa de Orochimaru | Filler

    139. Naruto Episódio 139

    Sasame leads Naruto, Jiraiya, and Sakura to Orochimaru’s hideout. They send Sasame back to the village because of the danger level. Jiraiya summons Gamakichi to go in first and investigate. The four come to three tunnels. Jiraiya goes off to the right, Naruto and Sakura down the middle and Gamakichi down the left. Will the four of them make it past the traps?

  • Duas Batidas do Coração: A Armadilha de Kabuto | Filler

    140. Naruto Episódio 140

    Naruto arrives in the nick of time to save Sakura, but not before Kabuto tells her that Sasuke is dead! Naruto attacks but ends up tangled in a deadly trap of Kabuto’s. Is it all over for our hero and will they find Arashi?

  • A Determinação de Sakura! | ½Filler

    141. Naruto Episódio 141

    The battle between Naruto and Arashi continues, but Naruto’s injury is making it difficult for him to succeed. Sasame jumps in to try to save Naruto but will it be enough?

  • Os Três Vilões da Prisão de Segurança Máxima | ½Filler

    142. Naruto Episódio 142

    With the events of the Rice Field Country behind them, everyone prepares for their training. But a new threat soon arises. Remember Mizuki? He’s back and he’s planning to break out of Konoha’s Correctional

  • Ton Ton! Eu Estou Contando com Você! | Filler

    143. Naruto Episódio 143

    Shizune and her team encounter Mizuki, but it doesn’t go as planned! When Ton-ton comes back to warn Tsunade, Naruto takes the initiative to find Shizune with Ton-ton’s help. Kakashi arrives and lends Pakkun’s assistance to Iruka before departing on a mission of his own. Will it all be enough to save the day?

  • Uma Nova Equipe! Duas Pessoas e Um Cachorro?! | Filler

    144. Naruto Episódio 144

    Naruto is having trouble with the two brothers and Iruka is having his share of difficulties with Mizuki! Iruka struggles to try and get the old Mizuki back but he doesn’t have much success…. Meanwhile, when things are looking bleak for Naruto, can 3 friendly Ninja save the day?

  • Uma Nova Formação: Ino-Shika-Cho! | Filler

    145. Naruto Episódio 145

    Naruto’s backup has arrived and they are Shikamaru, Ino, and Chouji. They tell Naruto that they will take care of the brothers. Naruto leaves to catch up to Iruka, who is fighting Mizuki. Can Naruto arrive before Mizuki kills Iruka? And can Shikamaru, Ino, and Chouji hold off the brothers?

  • A Sombra de Orochimaru | Filler

    146. Naruto Episódio 146

    Naruto, Iruka and Pakkun meet up with Mizuki’s fiancee Tsubaki and she has come to offer help to the three. Meanwhile, Shikamaru, Ino and Chouji are having trouble holding the two brothers at bay. While this is going on, Tsunade discovers a startling secret about Mizuki and Orochimaru and plans to take matters into her own hands….

  • Um Confronto do Destino: Você Não Pode me Vencer! | Filler

    147. Naruto Episódio 147

    Mizuki is determined to make Naruto and Iruka suffer and it appears that he has the upper edge with his improved strength and speed! Shikamaru, Ino and Chouji are also at their limits and now Fuujin and Raijin are free. Can Tsunade arrive in time to help?

  • A Busca Pelo Raro Besouro Bikochu | Filler

    148. Naruto Episódio 148

    Naruto is unable to search for Sasuke due to Tsunade’s orders, while Kiba and Hinata wonder how they can help him out. Shino remembers a special type of bug that if it is found, could easily track Sasuke down. they go and discuss it with Tsunade, who agrees to let them search for it, making Shino the leader. Tsunade discovers Naruto eavsfropping the conversation and lets him go with them. But, can they complete a mission with only a 10% success rate? As they travel, Naruto has difficulty dealing with Shino’s bizzare behavior. Hinata also sneaks out in the middle of the night to practice some mysterious moves. After two days of travelling, they finally reach their destination. And they’re not alone, a mysterious group is also after the same thing.

  • Qual a Diferença? Todos os Insetos Não São Parecidos? | Filler

    149. Naruto Episódio 149

    The group struggles to find a Bikouchuu, but seem to fail at every turn. When it starts to rain they realise they only have one more chance to find it, will Hinata’s Byakugan be enough?

  • Uma Batalha de Insetos! Engane e Será Enganado! | Filler

    150. Naruto Episódio 150

    With Hinata’s safety in danger, the group must try and figure out a way to save her and protect the Bikouchuu at the same time. Every time one side seems to have an edge though, the other reveals yet a new trick. As dawn approaches, they don’t have long left….can they succeed?

  • Queime Byakugan ! Esse é meu jeito ninja de ser!! | Filler

    151. Naruto Episódio 151

    With the group trapped, Shino makes a deal to trade the Bikouchuu for Hinata. Unfortunately for the opponents, Hinata got away, making the deal worthless! They begin to attack but can Hinata show up to save the day?

  • Marcha Fúnebre Para os Vivos! | Filler

    152. Naruto Episódio 152

    When Naruto rescues three strangers he finds himself dragged into yet another mission. However, this time he doesn’t want to partake in it! That is until he hears that there might be a connection to Akatsuki. With Neji, Lee and Tenten as his teammates, will he find the information he is looking for?

  • Uma Lição Aprendida! O Punho de Ferro do Amor! | Filler

    153. Naruto Episódio 153

    Out to try and save Rourusuke, Naruto and the others ambush members of the Kurosuke Family and save an old man. They soon hear the funeral bell and go and save Rourusuke. However, Rock lee meets an old friend among the group, and Lee must now convince Kurashi to return his his old way of life. Their time together is cut short, as Raiga watches from the sidelines. Can Naruto, Neji, Rock Lee, and Tenten defeat an enemy that not even Neji’s Byakugan can see?

  • O Inimigo do Byakugan | Filler

    154. Naruto Episódio 154

    Naruto, Tenten, Neji and Lee continue their mission to stop Raiga and save the Rourusuke Family. They try to work out a plan but the thick fog makes it difficult for them to see. Even Neji’s Byakugan doesn’t seem to help. Lee fights Raiga and manages to knock a bag off his back. What is this bag and what is inside it that seems so important? Meanwhile Naruto steps up to battle Raiga. Will he be able to defeat him?

  • As Sinistras Nuvens Negras | Filler

    155. Naruto Episódio 155

    With Raiga seemingly defeated, the group can get on with clearing up the remaining enemy Ninja and returning the village to normal. However, what will they do with Ranmaru who tells them about his tragic past?

  • O Contra-Ataque de Raiga | Filler

    156. Naruto Episódio 156

    Ranmaru is determined to bring Raiga back from the dead and appears to suceed! An enraged raiga now goes on the offensive, starting with Tenten. Karashi runs back to the Curry House to tell the others what has happened, but who’s side is he really on?

  • Corra! O Curry da Vida | Filler

    157. Naruto Episódio 157

    Lee is left facing Raiga alone while Tenten and the others hurry to bring them the curry of life. Ranmaru is reunited with Raiga, but are things the same as they were before?

  • Siga-me! O Grande Desafio de Sobrevivência | Filler

    158. Naruto Episódio 158

    Every Genin is assigned a squad of Cadets to lead on a mission that forces all of them to race to the top of a mountain to retrieve a scroll and, wouldn’t you know it, guess who Naruto ends up leading? Its none other than the Konohamaru corps. However, when a storm causes the mission to be cancelled without his knowing, he will have to be a better leader than ever to keep his team alive!

  • O Caçador de Recompensas do Deserto | Filler

    159. Naruto Episódio 159

    Naruto, Hinata and Kiba are sent off on a mission to capture a thief named Gosunkugi. However, on the way they meet another bounty hunter, who is after the same target as them….

  • Caçar ou ser caçado? Decisão no Templo O.K | Filler

    160. Naruto Episódio 160

    Turns out Sazanami is really a wanted criminal named Toukichi who is wanted for the murder of a family of three. Truth is however, he’s innocent, and wants to capture the man responsible to prove it! Sazanami teams up with the Konoha group to stop Gosunki once and for all….

  • O Aparecimento dos Estranhos Visitantes | Filler

    161. Naruto Episódio 161

    As Gai and Lee leave Konoha on a mission, two strangers disguise themselves as them and sneak into the village to learn its secrets. Tsunade, Sakura and Tenten have big plans in store for these imposters, plans that’ll make their lives miserable.

  • O Guerreiro Amaldiçoado | Filler

    162. Naruto Episódio 162

    Naruto, Tenten, and Neji travel to the Bird Country to exterminate a ghost named Noroimusha.

  • O Plano do Tático | Filler

    163. Naruto Episódio 163

    Naruto and the others attempt to prove that Kouhmei is the one responsible for the ghost. However, what Naruto and the gang discover leaves even more mysteries unsolved.

  • Tarde Demais para Ajudar | Filler

    164. Naruto Episódio 164

    Naruto decides to do some investigating on his own over the matter of the ghost, while Neji and Tenten try a different approach. WIth the help of two frogs, Naruto begins to learn more and more about the truth of the matter….but will what he discovers, cost him his life?

  • A Morte de Naruto | Filler

    165. Naruto Episódio 165

    Kakashi orders Neji and Tenten to return to the village with him, much to their protest. Meanwhile Koumei is about to be executed, at least until the Noroimusha shows up! Is the ghost an ally or an enemy and whatever became of Naruto? Questions are answered as Sagi reveals the truth!

  • Quando o Tempo Para | Filler

    166. Naruto Episódio 166

    Sagi prepares his plans for revenge and he won’t let anyone stand in his way! Disguised as the Noroimusha, he confronts Musou, but shocking news is revealed when they both reveal their true identities!

  • Quando as Garças Batem as Asas | Filler

    167. Naruto Episódio 167

    Shima saves Naruto from Ooki’s genjutsu trap and proceeds to try and protect him. When all seems lost for our hero, a mysterious white figure appears and asks him to grant one last wish. Will Naruto find the strength to grant this request and save the day?

  • Misturem, Amassem e Ferva! Cozinhe Panela de Cobre! Cozinhe! | Filler

    168. Naruto Episódio 168

    Mr. Ichiraku, the owner of the Ichiraku Ramen shop is in trouble. His daughter has been kidnapped and he only has two days to win her back! Can Nauruto, Chouji and Sakura help Mr. Ichiraku win the contest, or will he have to hand over his Legendary Ramen recipe?

  • Lembranças: A Página perdida | Filler

    169. Naruto Episódio 169

    Being some of the few Genins available, Naruto, Ino, and Shino are forced to accompany Anko on her mission to the Sea Country to destroy a sea monster and protect a boat carrying gold. However, Anko is acting strange as she begins to remember more and more events from her past, and the connection she once had with Orochimaru.

  • A Porta Fechada | Filler

    170. Naruto Episódio 170

    Naruto is recovering thanks to the mysterious girl, Isaribi. While Naruto is recovering, Anko, Shino, and Ino search for him and also meet the man in charge of the payroll shipment. The group eventually meets back up, but not before finding the sea monster’s lair.

  • Infiltração:A Armadilha | Filler

    171. Naruto Episódio 171

    After Isaribi escapes, Naruto and his team decide to go to the forbidden island and confront Orochimaru and his subordinates. They soon discover that Orochimaru is not the man behind the curtain, but a man known as Amachi. Amachi is the one responsible for turning Isaribi into a monster, so why is she helping him?

  • Desespero: Um Coração Partido | Filler

    172. Naruto Episódio 172

    After narrowly escaping the collapsing lab, Naruto and the others must catch up to the money convoy. However, Amachi has already set his trap, and the convoy crew has taken the bait. Naruto and the others arrive to save the day, as all of them prepare for battle. But can the group defeat Amachi when he reveals his true self? And what will happen when Isaribi realizes how far Naruto will go to save her?

  • Batalha no Mar: O Poder Liberado! | Filler

    173. Naruto Episódio 173

    Naruto and Amachi’s battle comes to a rather quick end, or does it? Also, Anko recovers more of her past including a significant event.

  • Impossível! A Arte Ninja da Celebridade: Jutsu Estilo Dinheiro! | Filler

    174. Naruto Episódio 174

    In addition to Naruto’s normal missions, he gets a special mission involving a VIP. Naruto is forced to hang out with a young boy, who likes ninja. However, the boy thinks money can buy him everything, and Naruto won’t stand for that. Teaching the boy will prove to be difficult, especially when he is the target of kidnappers.

  • A Caça ao Tesouro Começa! | Filler

    175. Naruto Episódio 175

    Naruto, Kiba, and Hinata are ordered on a special mission: A treasure hunt! There is a downside though; if they fail the mission, they have to go back to the Academy. They set off confident that the mission will be easy, but still worried about having to go back to the academy. Everything is going as well as expected until some mysterious characters show up. Can Naruto and crew find the gold, or will they have to go back to the Academy with the other little kids?

  • Corra,esquive-se em zigue-zague! Caçar ou Ser Caçado! | Filler

    176. Naruto Episódio 176

    Naruto, Kiba, and Hinata must make it back to Konoha and stop their evil look-alikes from ruining their village. The imposters think it’ll be an easy task, but when the real Naruto and Kiba expose their weakness, they discover that it may not be so easy.

  • Por Favor, Senhor Carteiro! | Filler

    177. Naruto Episódio 177

    Naruto accidently meets up with Jiraiya and demands that he trains him. Jiraiya refuses however, as he has to finish the next volume of his series. Anxiously wanting to train, Naruto tries to help and as usual, it all goes wrong. Naruto and Jiraiya vs the Courier Ninja, who will come out on top?

  • Encontro! O menino com o Nome de Estrela | Filler

    178. Naruto Episódio 178

    About 200 years, a star fell to the Hidden Star Village. This star supposedly as mystic powers. However, the village has few ninja, so they require the help of other villages. Naruto accompanies Lee, Neji, and Tenten on a mission to protect it.

  • A Inesquecível Canção de Ninar | Filler

    179. Naruto Episódio 179

    When the mysterious attacker flies away with the star, using only their Chakra, the Konoha group are left in the dust. They swear to reclaim the star but it isn’t as simple as they might hope. Meanwhile, Naruto learns some of Subaru’s history and Natsuhiboshi…

  • Jutsu Oculto! O Preço da Arte Ninja: Kujaku | Filler

    180. Naruto Episódio 180

    The Konoha team continue to investigate the star’s theft and start to realise everything is not quite as it seems. Everything seems to be leading to a final battle, but who is the real enemy behind all this?

  • Hoshikage: A Verdade Enterrada | Filler

    181. Naruto Episódio 181

    Naruto has been rescued by the mysterious woman and soon learns who she really is. Can the two of them continue the mission the was started so very long ago and what will Subaru think when he discovers the truth?

  • Reencontro: O Tempo Restante | Filler

    182. Naruto Episódio 182

    Subaru finally meets his mother, but is it too late for them? Can Naruto defeat Akahoshi and stop the star from falling back into his hands, and what side will the village choose to take?

  • A Estrela Radiante | Filler

    183. Naruto Episódio 183

    After Akahoshi tries to execute Sumaru, Hakato and the rest of the children stand up to protect their village. Akahoshi, finding the village turning against him, takes drastic steps to ensure his success. Naruto is the only one left who can take down this menace, can he do it alone? or will he find help from someone more powerful….

  • O Longo Dia de Kiba | Filler

    184. Naruto Episódio 184

    When Akamaru is taken ill and starts to undergo a mysterious transformation, can Kiba do anything to save his friend? When the whole village appears to be against him what lengths will he go through, to protect his friend?

  • A Lenda da Aldeia da Folha: O Onbaa! | Filler

    185. Naruto Episódio 185

    While Naruto trains in the forest, a mysterious creature latches onto his back. This legendary creature can’t be removed until it becomes an adult, but that’s only the beginning of Naruto’s problems.

  • O Risonho Shino | Filler

    186. Naruto Episódio 186

    Naruto and Shino go on a mission together to Motoyoshi Village, where a man named Fuuta has a strange request. To receive his inheritance money, he must not laugh at his fathers funeral. There is however one clause that may be enough to save him from losing everything when his relatives try every trick in the book, to cause laughter…

  • Aberto para Negócio! O Serviço de Mudanças da Aldeia da Folha | Filler

    187. Naruto Episódio 187

    Naruto, Hinata, and Chouji are chosen on a mission to protect some peddlers running away from a war at the Greenery Country. However, Tsunade gave them more than just a simple guard duty mission, making them movers as well. The peddlers are just simple folk, who were never even registered citizens in the country. But, when Naruto discovers the group is being pursued, the three ninja realize that there is more going on than meets the eyes.

  • O Mistério dos Mercadores Perseguidos | Filler

    188. Naruto Episódio 188

    The group splits off into two, in an attempt to deter their mysterious attackers. However, when Naruto and Chouji discover the plan hasn’t worked as intended, they soon realise that somebody is hiding something important….

  • Um Ilimitado Carregamento de Armas Ninjas | Filler

    189. Naruto Episódio 189

    Naruto, Chouji, and Yurinojou take on Ruiga, who uses water as a weapon. Ruiga has the power to draw out water from the Earth, giving him an unlimited supply of ninja weapons. How can they defeat an opponent who has a limitless supply of water? Even if they can win, can they defeat the second ninja, Jiga? Also, what is the Princess’ true motive for running away?

  • O Byakugan vê o Ponto Cego! | Filler

    190. Naruto Episódio 190

    With Naruto defeated, Hinata decides to join the fight. Will she be able to defeat the second evil ninja? And what of the princess?

  • Previsão: Morte! Céu Nublado com chance de Sol!! | Filler

    191. Naruto Episódio 191

    The battle with the third and final evil ninja is on. He has only one desire and that is to kill Princess Haruna. Will Naruto be able to defeat this new menace and save Haruna?

  • Ino Grita! O Paraíso da Gordura! | Filler

    192. Naruto Episódio 192

    When the daughter of a Feudal Lord calls for a double, Ino is brought in to take her place. The only problem is they look nothing alike, the princess has become big boned because she had a lot of stress and ate a lot. Now Ino must stand in for her and arrange a marriage with a man from Udon Country. Can Ino arrage the marriage without problem?

  • A Misteriosa Maldição do Castelo Mal Assombrado | Filler

    194. Naruto Episódio 194

    Naruto, Hinata, and Kiba are sent to the Land of Honey to search for the Daimyō’s wife. There, they find an eerie castle, and journey inside to search for clues.

  • A 3ª Super-Besta | Filler

    195. Naruto Episódio 195

    When Lee misses his check-up with Tsunade, Naruto is sent to find him. Meanwhile Gai is training someone called Yagura and has decided that Lee and Yagura should have a training match. Can Lee beat the new trainee after hearing some uncomfortable news at his examination?

  • Confrontração de Sangue Quente: Aluno contra Sensei | Filler

    196. Naruto Episódio 196

    Gai is trapped inside a fortress made of practice posts. Yagura appears but is he there to help or to hinder? Naruto, Neji and Tenten show up to try and rescue Gai, but will it be too much for them to handle on their own?

  • Crise: A Reunião dos 11 da Folha! | Filler

    197. Naruto Episódio 197

    Naruto meets an old man, a construction worker named Gennou. However, when Gennou steals plans for some of the buildings in Konoha, Naruto suddenly finds himself under investigation by the ANBU. What is the truth behind Gennou and why does nobody seem to know what is going on?

  • Os ANBU desistem? As lembranças de Naruto | Filler

    198. Naruto Episódio 198

    In order to get the information they need about Gennou, the ANBU put Naruto in a trance, hoping to prong the information they need from Naruto’s memory. However, even by doing all of this, will they get the information they need?

  • O Erro do Alvo | Filler

    199. Naruto Episódio 199

    Naruto and the others continue their search for any clues leading to Gennou or his plan. During an investigation of the Ninja Academy, they discover a suspicious training post which leads to an even scarier discovery.

  • O Ajudante Poderoso | Filler

    200. Naruto Episódio 200

    With the city of Konoha mapped in explosive tags, a decision must be made weather to try and remove them, or to evacuate the entire city! However, something is strange about these tags, can they discover what it is? And can they remove all of them in time?

  • Múltiplas Armadilhas! A Contagem Regressiva para a Destruição | Filler

    201. Naruto Episódio 201

    While Shikamaru tries to figure out what Gennou is planning next, Naruto is fighting Gennou in the Great Stone faces. Can Shikamaru stop Gennou’s next step in the plan before it is to late? And will Naruto be able to defeat the Trap Master?

  • As 5 melhores batalhas Ninja! | Filler

    202. Naruto Episódio 202

    Naruto and Sakura host a special recap episode featuring the top five battles so far! There are also interviews with some of the team, and perhaps even some of the enemy….

  • A Decisão de Kurenai: Equipe 8 Dispensada | Filler

    203. Naruto Episódio 203

    Naruto encounters a girl named Yakumo who has a surprising talent for destruction. Shortly after, Kurenai Yuhi, leader of Team 8 makes a startling decision and Naruto is determined to find out why.

  • O Poder Selado de Yakumo | Filler

    204. Naruto Episódio 204

    Naruto sneaks into Yakumo’s mansion in the night, and has a dream that Kurenai threatened to seal Yakumo’s abilities. He then discovers that this is the reason why she left the team, but Kurenai refuses to disclose any more. As Kurenai goes to see Yakumo, several Kurama Clan members attack.

  • Missão Super-Secreta de Kurenai: A Promessa com o Terceiro... | Filler

    205. Naruto Episódio 205

    As Kurenai attempts to escape with Yakumo, Naruto and Sakura, Team 8 and Might Gai arrive to lend their assistance. We learn some of the history between Kurenai and Yakumo and discover why things have turned out the way they have…

  • Genjutsu ou Realidade? | Filler

    206. Naruto Episódio 206

    Naruto, Kurenai, Yakumo and Team 8 return to Konoha to a shocking discovery. Can this really be reality or is it all some kind of sick illusion?

  • A Habilidade supostamente selada | Filler

    207. Naruto Episódio 207

    Naruto and the members of Team 8 head into Yakumo’s house to find her with Kurenai. It is revealed that a mysterious entity might be behind all this. Can the group discover the truth in time?

  • O Peso do Artefato Premiado! | Filler

    208. Naruto Episódio 208

    Naruto and Kiba are ordered to escort a man named Shinemon who is transporting a rare and valuable artifact. However, when Bandits steal the artifact, can the pair retrieve it and keep Shinemon alive?

  • O Inimigo: Ninja Renegado | Filler

    209. Naruto Episódio 209

    Naruto, Sakura and Lee are sent to escort a prisoner named Gantetsu to the Forest Country Capital. Their job is only to back up the escort group incase something goes wrong, which inevitably, it does….

  • A Desconcertante Floresta | Filler

    210. Naruto Episódio 210

    With the ship split in half, Naruto, Todoroki and Gantetsu are seperated from the others. Now Naruto must face the other three Shinobazu that Gantetsu was with. Can Naruto lead them out or will they have to trust Gantetsu to lead the way?

  • Recordações das Chamas | Filler

    211. Naruto Episódio 211

    Todoroki wants to avenge his family and kill Gantetsu. The only problem is that Naruto has other ideas. Elsewhere, Lee and Sakura are surrounded by children who are demanding they give them Gantetsu. Can Naruto and Todoroki get Gantetsu back? And what are the childrens reasons for wanting him?

  • Para Cada Um Seu Próprio Caminho | Filler

    212. Naruto Episódio 212

    Naruto arrives to save Gantetsu and the kids but has trouble when Akio is kidnapped and Todoroki realizes his brother is alive. Will Naruto and Todoroki be able to save Akio?

  • Memórias Desaparecidas | Filler

    213. Naruto Episódio 213

    Naruto rescues a kid who was injured but he is an outsider to Konoha. Tsunade assigns Naruto to take care of the kid until he gets his memory back. What was this kid doing outside of Konoha and why can’t he remember anything?

  • Voltando à Realidade | Filler

    214. Naruto Episódio 214

    Naruto and Menma manage to get Tsunade to let them go find Menma’s memories. However, they are forced to go with Neji and Tenten guarding them. On the way, they come across a burned-down village. There, they greet the villagers and ask them what happened. Unfortunately, the villagers aren’t too happy to see them.

  • Um Passado a Ser Apagado | Filler

    215. Naruto Episódio 215

    Ran wants to kill Menma, upon seeing the mark on his arm, but Neji stands in the way, saying it would be unfair to kill a criminal without any memories of his crimes. Ran finally agrees and performs surgery on Menma, saving his life, but the villagers aren’t as happy. Are they prepared for when foreign shinobi group comes for a second attack?

  • Shukaku é o Alvo | Filler

    216. Naruto Episódio 216

    A Sand shinobi, Matsuri, has been abducted by a mysterious ninja. In order to bring them bring back, Gaara must accept the mystery ninja’s challenge. Can Naruto prevent this challenge ending in catastrophe?

  • A Aliança da Areia com os Shinobis da Folha | Filler

    217. Naruto Episódio 217

    The rogue ninjas continue running as Gaara, Temari and Kankuro give chase. At the same time, Shino, Hinata and Neji are using their abilities to try and find the Shitenshounnin. Who will end up fighting first and, who will ultimately win?

  • Areia Selada: O Contra-Ataque! | Filler

    218. Naruto Episódio 218

    Shikamaru and Ino arrive to help out Temari against Kyaku, while Kiba and Chouji go to help Konkuro. All seems to be going well until Neji notices something odd…

  • A Derradeira Arma Renasce | Filler

    219. Naruto Episódio 219

    Even with his chakra so low, Gaara fights the Shitenshounin leader. When he fails and is trapped, Naruto arrives to try and rescue him. But when the leader of Takumi Village, Seimei, is revived, can Naruto save Gaara before Shukaku takes complete control of him?

  • A Partida | ½filler

    220. Naruto Episódio 220

    Ainda não existe uma sinopse disponível.

Adicionar comentário

Gaby4 anos atrás
Eu amo Naruto
Thaíssa4 anos atrás
Tô vendo Naruto mas não tem todas as temporadas, Naruto tem 9 temporadas e esse só tem 4 tá essa isso daí, vou ver tudo até 4 temporadas aí depois vou procurar outro app. "Obrigada"
Ver 2 respostas
Administrador MFHD504 anos atrás
Só ver a quantidade de episódios. Resumimos tudo em 4 temporadas porém o Anime está completo.
Área gamer4 anos atrás
Não esse série do Naruto clássico só tem 220 episódios e a história continua em uma série do naruto adolecete
Eduarda4 anos atrás
Estou tendo dificuldades em assistir...e Baixei a app hoje. Parece que ha app é muito boa, mais esta tirando minhas espectativas
Daniel5 anos atrás
Daniel5 anos atrás
Mais desenho